WorldCat is a single Web site that searches library collections worldwide. More accessible than your local library’s online catalogue, WorldCat also enables you to search through multiple libraries to find resources by name, author or keywords.
The DeweyBrowser, a project of the Online Computer Library Center, also indexes books, videos and serial publications in WorldCat. This site provides a visual display of categories in which the search terms appear enabling you to further narrow your search.
The search phrase “insurance investigations” returned 56 entries in 6 topical categories. I narrowed my selection to The investigative reporter’s handbook : a guide to documents, databases, and techniques.
Enter a zip code or state to identify the libraries that have this book. Also read book reviews and follow links to related subject areas. The topic “public records” pulled up 91 books, ranging from the 2005 book, Local and regional government information : how to find it, how to use it to a 1999 serial publication Get the facts on anyone. Refine your search by selecting a particular author, format, or year.